The mission of the U.S. Naval Institute is to provide an independent forum for those who dare to read, think, speak and write in order to advance the professional, literary, and scientific understanding of Sea Services and other issues critical to global security.

Copyright 2024 U.S. Naval Institute

Open to:  All amateur and professional photographers 

Subject:  Any naval or maritime imagery not previously published

Published:  The winning and runner-up photos are featured in Proceedings, and on

2024 U.S. Naval Institute

Naval and Maritime Photo Contest

Submission Guidelines and Details Maximum of five (5) photos per person.

  • Format:  High-resolution digital photo, a minimum of 300 dpi preferred, tiff or jpg. 
  • Requirements:  Photo(s) have not previously been published except for Defense Visual Information Distribution Service (DVIDS).
  • No manipulations except for color enhancement or cropping.

Deadline for Photo Entries:  30 September 2024

Click below to submit your information and for instructions on where to send your photo.

Photographer grants all rights in perpetuity to the U.S. Naval Institute to reproduce, display, publish, distribute, create derivative works of submissions while crediting the photographer. All external uses for photos outside public domain will require permissions from the photographer.